Price List Nail Art Indonesia: Ultimate Guide to Nail Artistry Costs

price list nail art indonesia

Hey Readers! Welcome to the World of Nail Art in Indonesia

Let’s dive into the enchanting realm of nail art, where creativity and artistry merge to create stunning masterpieces. As you embark on your search for the perfect nail art designs in Indonesia, understanding the price range is crucial. This comprehensive guide will provide you with a detailed breakdown of nail art costs, helping you plan your budget and find the best deals.

Nail Art Styles and Costs

Basic Nail Art Designs

For beginners or those seeking simple yet elegant looks, basic nail art designs offer an affordable option. Think solid colors, French tips, and simple embellishments. These designs typically range from Rp 20,000 to Rp 40,000.

Intricate Nail Art Designs

If you’re looking to elevate your nail game, intricate nail art designs are the way to go. These designs showcase intricate patterns, hand-painted details, and 3D elements. Expect prices to range between Rp 50,000 and Rp 100,000.

Custom Nail Art Designs

For those with a unique vision, custom nail art designs allow you to personalize your nails to perfection. Collaborate with a talented nail artist to create a one-of-a-kind design that reflects your style. Prices vary depending on the complexity of the design, but typically start from Rp 75,000.

Additional Costs to Consider

Nail Extensions

If you desire longer or fuller nails, nail extensions are a must. Gel extensions last longer and provide more strength, while acrylic extensions offer a more affordable option. Gel extensions typically cost around Rp 100,000 to Rp 150,000 per set, while acrylic extensions range from Rp 50,000 to Rp 100,000.

Nail Removal

Before getting a new set of nail art, removing your previous one is essential. Nail removal services generally cost around Rp 20,000 to Rp 50,000.


In Indonesia, it’s customary to tip your nail artist. A tip of 10% to 15% of the total cost is a kind gesture to show your appreciation.

Price List Nail Art Indonesia: Comprehensive Table

Design Type Price Range
Basic Nail Art Rp 20,000 - Rp 40,000
Intricate Nail Art Rp 50,000 - Rp 100,000
Custom Nail Art Rp 75,000 and up
Gel Nail Extensions Rp 100,000 - Rp 150,000
Acrylic Nail Extensions Rp 50,000 - Rp 100,000
Nail Removal Rp 20,000 - Rp 50,000


There you have it, readers! This comprehensive guide to nail art prices in Indonesia equips you with the knowledge to budget effectively and explore the endless possibilities of nail artistry. To delve deeper into the world of beauty, check out our other articles on nail trends, skincare tips, and more. Stay stylish and let your nails shine!

FAQ about Price List Nail Art Indonesia

1. Berapa harga nail art di Indonesia?

  • Harga nail art di Indonesia bervariasi tergantung pada desain, salon, dan lokasi. Umumnya berkisar antara Rp50.000 hingga Rp250.000.

2. Apa saja jenis nail art yang tersedia?

  • Ada berbagai jenis nail art yang tersedia, termasuk:
    • Nail polish biasa
    • Gel polish
    • French manicure
    • Ombre nails
    • Nail art dengan desain

3. Bagaimana cara memilih desain nail art?

  • Pilih desain yang sesuai dengan gaya dan preferensi pribadi Anda. Pertimbangkan juga bentuk dan panjang kuku Anda.

4. Berapa lama proses nail art?

  • Waktu proses nail art bervariasi tergantung pada desain dan teknik yang digunakan. Umumnya berkisar antara 30 menit hingga 2 jam.

5. Apakah nail art aman?

  • Nail art umumnya aman jika dilakukan oleh teknisi yang terampil dan menggunakan produk yang berkualitas baik. Namun, beberapa orang mungkin mengalami reaksi alergi terhadap bahan tertentu.

6. Bagaimana cara merawat nail art?

  • Untuk mempertahankan keindahan nail art, hindari penggunaan bahan kimia keras, kenakan sarung tangan saat melakukan pekerjaan berat, dan hindari menggigit atau mengelupas kuku.

7. Di mana saya bisa mendapatkan nail art di Indonesia?

  • Anda bisa mendapatkan nail art di berbagai salon kecantikan, salon kuku khusus, atau bahkan secara online.

8. Apakah ada diskon atau promo untuk nail art?

  • Beberapa salon menawarkan diskon atau promo untuk pelanggan baru, anggota loyalitas, atau pemesanan online.

9. Bagaimana cara membuat janji untuk nail art?

  • Anda dapat membuat janji melalui telepon, aplikasi online, atau langsung مراجعه ke salon.

10. Apa saja tips untuk memilih salon nail art?

  • Pilih salon yang memiliki reputasi baik, teknisi yang terampil, dan menggunakan produk berkualitas tinggi. Baca ulasan online dan tanyakan rekomendasi dari teman atau keluarga.
