nail red under

nail red under

Nail Red Under: Causes, Complications, and Treatment Options

Hey readers, have you ever noticed a mysterious red nail? While it may look alarming, it’s essential to understand the causes and potential complications of this condition. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of “nail red under.”

Causes of Nail Red Under

Nail red under, medically known as subungual hematoma, is a condition where blood accumulates beneath the nail plate. Common causes include:

  • Trauma: Direct injury to the nail, such as stubbing or slamming a finger, can cause blood vessels to break and bleed under the nail.
  • Repeated pressure: Constant pressure on the nail, like wearing tight shoes or engaging in repetitive activities, can damage the nail bed and lead to bleeding.
  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as psoriasis and nail fungus, can weaken the nail and make it more susceptible to injury.

Complications of Nail Red Under

While nail red under is usually harmless, it can sometimes lead to complications:

  • Infection: If bacteria or other microorganisms enter the damaged nail bed, it can cause an infection that requires medical attention.
  • Pain and discomfort: Subungual hematomas can be painful, especially if the pressure on the nail is severe.
  • Cosmetic concerns: The red discoloration of the nail may be cosmetically unappealing.

Treatment Options for Nail Red Under

Treatment for nail red under depends on the severity of the condition:

  • Conservative treatment: For mild cases, conservative measures like rest, ice, and elevation can help reduce pain and bleeding.
  • Drainage: If the hematoma is large or painful, a doctor may drain the blood using a small needle or incision.
  • Nail removal: In rare cases, if the nail is severely damaged or infected, it may need to be removed to allow the nail bed to heal.

Other Aspects of Nail Red Under

  • Color changes: The color of the nail may vary depending on the age of the hematoma. Initially, it may appear red, but over time it can turn purple, blue, or black.
  • Duration: The duration of nail red under depends on the size of the hematoma and the rate of healing. Minor hematomas may resolve within a few weeks, while larger ones can take several months to disappear.
  • Prevention: To prevent nail red under, wear appropriate footwear, avoid excessive pressure on the nails, and protect them from injury.

Table: Nail Red Under: Summary

Aspect Description
Causes Trauma, repeated pressure, medical conditions
Complications Infection, pain, cosmetic concerns
Treatment Conservative treatment, drainage, nail removal (in rare cases)
Color changes Red, purple, blue, black
Duration Weeks to months
Prevention Proper footwear, avoiding pressure, protecting nails


Nail red under is a common condition with various causes and potential complications. Understanding its underlying factors and treatment options is crucial for proper care. If you experience a red nail that persists or causes significant pain, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional. Remember to check out our website for more informative articles on nail health and other related topics.

FAQ about “nail under red”

What is “nail under red”?

Nail under red is a condition in which the nail becomes red and inflamed due to bleeding beneath the nail.

What causes nail under red?

Common causes include trauma to the nail, such as stubbing or dropping something on it.

What are the symptoms of nail under red?

Symptoms include redness, pain, swelling, and tenderness of the affected nail.

Is nail under red a serious condition?

In most cases, nail under red is not a serious condition. However, it can be painful and may lead to infection if not treated properly.

How is nail under red treated?

Treatment usually involves draining the blood under the nail and applying pressure to stop the bleeding. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection.

How can I prevent nail under red?

Wearing protective footwear and avoiding activities that may cause trauma to the nails can help prevent nail under red.

What should I do if I have nail under red?

If you have nail under red, it is important to see a doctor to have it treated and prevent complications.

How long does it take for nail under red to heal?

Healing time varies depending on the severity of the injury. In most cases, it takes a few weeks for the nail to fully heal.

Can I still use nail polish if I have nail under red?

It is not advisable to use nail polish on an injured nail. This can trap bacteria and increase the risk of infection.

What if my nail under red gets infected?

If your nail under red becomes infected, you may experience increased pain, swelling, and drainage. It is important to see a doctor immediately if you suspect an infection.
